Tuesday, 20 June 2017

What Happens Next

Have you ever done something that you never thought of?
Have you faced all your demons? How many of them have you fought off?
Have you done something thinking it is for the best?
Have you ever driven east when you were supposed to go west?
How many times has it put you to test?
It is not just an expression...it is the habit of what happens next
Have you ever looked at someone and got your heartbeat racing?
Your pupils dilated…vision goes numb with all what you’ve been facing
Oh that look in your eyes…that solace in your ear
That rhythm of your mind..like it is never supposed to disappear
There are times like these you should realize you have taken a fall
Because at certain times, there is no one left to call
You just think back to yourself...”can there be somebody else?”
Where your brain going insane replies “not at all”
It is the part where you get all the numbers that vary
Because what happens next is actually really scary
Because there is not a day when your heart won’t ache
If you don’t see their face
Because there is not a day where all the blood that sticks to your head, it makes you feel like you are going insane.
All your friends start to worry..Family doesn’t understand
“What has been happening to him?” “I guess he’s way out of hand”
Yes this is a tale of a 15 year old…everyone has gone through the same shit and so the story has been told.
Those were the times of the limitless anxiety and the stupid way of our life.
Those were the moments where this was our biggest worry if she would even say goodbye.
It is funny to me how we used to be
I guess that is the beauty of adolescence.
It makes all the pain go away.
Because there are times like now where we drown and honestly our memories save our day.
It just doesn’t matter who you fall in love with that makes it vary.
But what happens next is really very scary.

Monday, 12 June 2017

How To Lose Your Pride

Did you get the idea from what the title suggests?
It is not our soul but our mind that has been put up to test
Because every time we speak, there is prejudice
Every time we deny, we are doomed whether it is
What we hear or what we see
It is the demon that keeps us isolated from society
Because there are eyes on what we do
There are people like us who can’t get through
Because we have a reputation to maintain
Honestly, the reputation is just a mask to hide the pain
“oh my god, what are they doing, don’t they have any manners”
Is what they say every time they see us.
But trust me we are living a better life and a happy one and they are just happy that they’ll never be us.
We are happy but not for the world
Because according to them there is nothing more to a boy and a girl
I do not blame them, what can you expect
For they had a generation where all females were rejects.
No matter how much you try to change.
No matter how happy you are
There will always be people who will bring you down to expose all of your scars
We have been taught to fight the world, live for our right with our head held high in the sky
But what can we do if the teachers are wrong but our morals are strong, do we fight or do we die?
I guess we’ll have to learn that ourselves because we have been treated like shit
Because we can be taught but not be tamed, not by the sanity of hypocrites
This generation is destined to grow as proud as lions
They have the hunger of knowledge
But pride is the only thing we swallow here
Just to get some solace.
Look up to the sky, I guess we lost our pride for the best
Only to rise from the ashes just like a phoenix.

Saturday, 3 June 2017


                        When you opened this page, what did you think you’d see?
Bright lights shining over your head or what you dream to be.
Since the title suggests you to get ready..
Well you are in for a ride,
Brace yourself for something that has been a nightmare,
A demon in your life.
We all looked the same way, but no one had a clear vision.
Especially when society judges you on the basis of some superstition
We are getting degraded and lost and our mind loses control.
One more rope tied to the neck, one more body with no soul
We are always told to compete, enough to embrace hate,
Well life is wreckage but who are we to debate, 
Sitting at the back of the benches, memories were made.
Standing with friends outside your class, all the games that you played
There was this love in your life that we are all ashamed it existed.
But unlucky are those people who stuck their eyes somewhere else and just missed it. 
There is a writer in you; an artist who drew; a singer who sung; an actor who loved.
There are things that you always wanted to be 
Because every time I think about all my chances I let go
A sad image of me in the mirror is all I see
I don’t want to be filled with regret. I want to be filled with harmony.
Because we have been in this race for way too long.
We have been scared way too much. 
We have lost our pride, lost our sight
Lost our will and our way to love.
Because a single set of numbers cannot determine what you will be
There are always things that you need to do 
In the perfect time, you all will see. 
Let’s just be victims, embrace ourselves to the stars 
‘Cause shining is what we are made for; let’s take it all too far.
We have been hurt way too much, let’s expose our scars.
Because nothing is based on our marks.

Bleeding Petrichor

Do you know about them lazy mornings? When your bed is your temple? Yes that..today was that. As I woke up..summers blew the monsoon win...