Saturday, 26 August 2017

All Are Not Equal Before Law.

⁠⁠⁠Hello! And welcome to this damn nation which has been damned for centuries.
Molested, degraded and decimated by different monarchs, be it the present or history.
This nation shall sell what should be sold for the greater good.
Where a man gets stabbed in broad daylight in a blind neighbourhood.
Where the people we chose to rule us has made us their slaves.
Where the rich's mansion grows taller and poor thrives to a cave
Where there are people bowing to a power seeming non-existent.
And even if it does exist, he is the biggest cause of mass murder if I start listing.
So would you call this murder or what you call this religion?
When a person is beaten to death just because he had a different ambition.
Today, the people have found a new god.
Placing the name would be placing the blame but you get what I am saying, I am somewhat afraid of facing the pain.
And thats the irony, there is no freedom of speech, 
When the saints that we follow have nothing to teach
They are the convicts in disguise.
They don't terrorize with guns, they terrorize our minds.
I am proud of this nation, the culture and its past but we keep our doors shut
Because this country is not developing, not until our minds are stuck up in our butts
Because we are scared, that man power will gun down intellect,
Even though words spread like wildfire, not as fast as a bullet would connect, 
We are in this nation where rape is a juvenile act, 
Where it is an everyday news,
Which we just let it pass. 
We worship goddess of our kind, still we rip her to shreds.
Where we tear apart the fabric, thread by thread.
See the look on her face, that face is of disbelief,
Disbelief in country, that there will be no remedy
I'd be lying if I would say it doesn't make me cringe to what has happened today.
"Your god is a rapist" just admit it, but still they'll follow.
Because it is the truth they would swallow.
The intensity of ignorance in this country shows that it is beyond damage control.
Because what these baboons have followed have left us a hole.
So go home tonight, turn your lights off, pray and hope you live another day.
Spend time with your loved ones, who knows, your area might be the next one to decay.
Because in the end, all of this is hopeless and there is nothing left to be said.
All are not equal before the law, as for us, we'd probably end up dead.

Saturday, 12 August 2017


I have a million dreams in my mind..
But I am bullied by my consequences of the choices that I made.
I have a path and I know how to walk
But there are thorns along the road and I just can’t walk the same.
I have been waking up to this mundane routine every single morning,
I have been thinking of doing something that I should love,
I have been broken a thousand times,
But a thousand times more is not gonna be enough.
Because I have been bullied by the choices I made that in the first place were really tough.
 Ever since adolescence, it took me a while to get to know what was wrong,
I was not the fastest one like all of them,
You could call me the weakest strong,
I tried hard to blend in; I tried hard to fake it through.
When the life that I had been given was actually chosen by you.
It was shoved down my throat while my senses tend to collapse.
I felt like I overdosed on hatred, I tried to get back up and I relapsed.
It was no one’s fault but mine, I was not strong enough.
But all I really know for sure that there were people whom I love,
The people who would be shattered if I was gone,
The people who would lose their purpose if I was lost,
So I decided to get back up and move my own way.
I was done being bullied by the choices I made.
I embraced my choice and I fought for what was right.
I made friends with evil, only to realize he was bullied inside.
I went into withdrawal but it was the sweetest thing to do.
Because life of a teenager was hard for me as well as you.
You may have faced the same situation, a little different version of it.
Where life was a mess and you were treated like shit,
It is alright to look back in the eye,
After all it is for your own good.
Because the devil loses its wings,
Once you look him in the eye as you should.
Trust me and provide your hand to someone who needs it desperately.
Because one day, who knows, your hand will be the one desperate for need.
I am somehow glad I was bullied by the choices I made.

It has been the best life lesson; it made me a better man today.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Weather Down

I am the pain that hides behind your face that glows with a smile.
I am the feet that give up before you could walk a 100 miles.
I am the raindrop that tends to hurt.
I am the winter that tends to burn.
I am the smudge that makes your colour blur.
Even after all this time.
Even though I have been stabbed by a million lies.
I weather down; crumble into pieces, till I can hear no sound.
I turn to sand, slip from your hand.
There is no saving me now.
Like the hourglass is my life, and I slip from the glass
Losing myself tonight.
I am the smile that hides inside your broken heart.
I am the laughter you cherish when we were never apart.
I am the light that tends to fade
I am the debt that is yet to be paid.
Even after all this while,
You never learn to ever stop looking back.
You weather down, hoping someone would come around.
You speak volumes, the sound doesn’t last.
Compared to agony, silence is fast.
There is no saving you now.
It is tough to breathe in this poison as you gasp
This world never lasts.
I have been wondering if this is true,
If silence seems like forever to you too.
Why don’t the dead tell the truth?
Because the lady that we loved has left the throne.
The love we have is accident prone.
And we weather down; crumble into pieces, till there is no one around.
There are only regrets when you are six feet under the ground.
There is no voice helping you to feel the sound.
The drum beats roll over your head and your heart arrests.
The crescent of the moon turn to black and you lie down and rest.
So I hope you find peace in another life.
Because this one was just as bad as you wished you were dead.
Your back is filled with knives.
All we know are somethings called secrets.
So we all weather down, not in pieces but in regrets.

Bleeding Petrichor

Do you know about them lazy mornings? When your bed is your temple? Yes was that. As I woke up..summers blew the monsoon win...