Tuesday 16 May 2017

Dear 60 Year Old Me.

Dear 60 year old me,
Has it been a good life?
Has it been the way you wanted it to be?
Or are you just passing by?
‘Cause I may be in good health but urge of wealth is taking something out of me all the time
Because I am a part of this rat race, and I know that I am not winning
I am not even close to finishing.
Because every time I think about what is going to happen next, it is diminishing everything.
Old man, tell me how is it going to be with people along my side?
Because I have heard they are temporary, is that going to be permanent all the time?
I have been beaten and broken along my way
I wonder how much your body can take, if “growing old makes us weak” is what they say
But i can’t see how you look, but I know you’ll stand tall
Above the entire crisis, there is no way that you will fall
There is no way that you’ll be broken by just words that are so small
You always knew this world has always been an all out brawl.
I set myself as a goal, thinking about what i can be
And not someone else’s version of scared and lonely me.
Things may not be so good but they will just pass by
They will be good, that is the way of life.
Oh old man, I get scared to death every time I think about what is next in line for me.
I just hope it gets better, hope is the only thing that we can actually rely on honestly.
I know that by the time I’ll be you; my back will be full of knives

Yours sincerely, 
your 20 year old version scared of this life.


  1. Awesome buddy..
    Pray that we dont come across to this..❤��

  2. So true bro.... you have taken down the current situation of many in this... i iwhs ppl realise the needfull from this.

  3. Loves it❤ Keep it up bud❤

  4. This is no nice!! Parth! I am impressed! :)


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